Whether it’s the Renovo/Audi duo lineup, the just-announced Lagamorph, or one of the various bamboo creations, wooden-framed bikes (or in the case of bamboo, “wooden”-framed) are becoming more and more popular. While this is partly because of the ride characteristics and eco-friendliness of sustainably-harvested wood, let’s be honest – it’s mostly because they look nice. Unfortunately, they also tend to be pricey, with a single complete bike costing several thousand dollars. Well, if it’s just the aesthetic of wood that you want, now you have an alternative ... New Zealand’s Rob Pollock will give your frame a hand-painted woodgrain finish, for just US$1,500...While I like the look of wood and bamboo bikes, I'm not at all convinced they can last especially long. I've got a chromoly steel hard tail mountain bike that's at least ten years old and has had a ton of miles put on it over its life. Its my daily rider mountain bike. I don't worry about the frame one bit because its hard steel. If my bike were bamboo or wood then I would not have the confidence to drop off ledges and bomb down hills at speed, I'd be too worried about the frame disintegrating under me.
Continue Reading Painter gives bicycle frames the woodgrain look
So yeah, a painted frame to look like wood when its really steel would be about as close as I'm coming to a wood bike for now.