Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sully's First Ride

Sully got his first taste of cycling yesterday afternoon while his big brother napped. At first he didn't know what to make of the process but he got into it as we pedaled around the driveway for a few minutes and then headed down into the slough for a short ride.

I could tell he was having fun because he started pumping his body while we raced down the big hill next to our house.

The Wee Ride is awesome for this because he's protected inside my arms and has a fantastic view of the action. It also lets anyone we pass get a good look at him having a great time. And they almost always light up with a great big smile in return. The people who don't, I generally think they're sour pusses.

Next step will be to start Grady on his Trail-A-Bike so I can go for rides with both the boys. Nothing like an extra 65 pounds of child to make for a more vigorous workout!
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