Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Another Good Reason to Ride a Bike to Work
Traffic Pollution May Damage Sperm Quality
Seems like a pretty good reason to park the car and take the bike in to work. That is, assuming that everyone else can ride along the riverbanks instead of sitting in traffic. Oh wait, that's probably a lot less likely than it sounded in my head. How many people can actually ride in to work in any case, regardless of the route? Yeah, probably not all that many.

Oh well, try to breathe shallow and maybe get an air freshener or five.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Keith and I got out for a ride on Sunday afternoon. Just in time too as the rain poured down not long after we finished.... This was my inagural ride the the new Bullit. What else can I say except, HOLY F!@& SH!T WAS THAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!! This thing climbs equally as well as my i-Drive, and descends like a monkey on a greased vine! We rode up Clementine and swapped bikes on the pavement so Keith could see how it felt. He was also pretty impressed with the climbing ability. The Culvert trail was quite wet and sloppy so we couldn't rip it as fast as usual, but still quite fun! I let Keith take over again on part of the Confluence descent... I think he liked it. Overall it was just a gorgeous day in between storms. The rivers were flowing strong and were a beautiful dark green/bluish color. Damn, I wished I had my camera. We were kinda lagging, and only did 2 loops but that was enough for our out of shape asses. The bridge that Chris & I fixed on Tinker a couple weeks ago has been dislodged again due to more erosion. We need to hit a construction site at night a get some scrap wood to build a new "longer" bridge for that trail for sure. I love my new bike and cant wait until next time! Oh yeah, one final note, I flatted the Mutano Raptor - big surprise. Only this time, I could get the tire off the rim myself thank you very much! The verdict is still out on these tires. I really like how they roll & hook up, but they just flat way too much. I'm anxious to see how the tubeless setup works out for Chris!

Sunday, April 27, 2003

New Tech meet Old Tech
And my new to me '97 Ibis Szazbo is here as well, which is kind of cool.
My new pics to check out.
The Szazbo from the sideThe Szaz from the front

The funny thing about this new bike, which I love so far, by the way, is that almost all the components are the fist generations of their respective classes. The bars, Ringle riser bars but instead of a riser, they have another bar welded below. The shifters, early SRAM with indicator windows, they work very well still. The brakes were the funniest really, they are an example of the first working V-brakes, they have a spring going from one arm to the other and an adjustment knob. They didn't work very well anymore and the pads were just about down to nubs so they were the first things to go. And I'd already added my preferred pedals, the flats with the Power Grips.

Where Jay's pretty Bullit is utterly bitching as it is now, my Szazbo will be a work in process. The list is long but it should prove fruitful to transform it from an old tech power cruiser into a new tech free rider/downhiller.
First on the list: bars, got some I can use in the short term from Duggan; front fork, replace with a Marz Bomber from Professor Ming for a good deal; saddle, not sure here yet, plenty of nice ones to choose from; brakes, a disc up front and something better for the back; shifters, thinking that thinking that I might try some top of the bar thumb shifters again, I tend to twist when I jump and that's no good; seat post, the red Ringle MoBy post its got now doesn't do anything for me that a lighter and either black or other dark colored post couldn't do better; cranks, either XT or XTR though some Cook Bros. would be dandy too; sprockets and cogs and derailleurs, all just old and worn and in need of retirement. Is that almost everything? Bottom bracket, stem, rims, rear shock, seat post quick release, hubs, quick releases and cables (with housing). Oh yeah, starting weight is 33 pounds.

Looks like it'll be an interesting project and I'll end up with a really nice, high end plushie that'll let me hang with Jay and his Bullit.

Out on Dela today it was good, climbed beautifully, without any pogoing, the Veliciraptor tires may be heavy but they hold well and toss mud quickly. With the recent slop, the rock waterfall was not happening but it was a fast and fun descent nevertheless. And good I got it in because the rain is coming down.

Friday, April 25, 2003

2003 - Santa Cruz - Bullit

Well here it is, the new ride! Can't wait to get it out on the trails....

Click thumbnail for larger image

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Grim Weather Ahead....

This weekend doesn't look good for testing out my new rig......

Maybe I'll go skiing instead.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Another New Addition to the Stable

Damn, nice work, Jay! Glad to hear you had no trouble selling your crappy old i-Drive. Just kidding.
How soon are you going to be getting the Bullit? I should have my new ride by the end of the week. I bid on and scored one of the bikes remaining on my dream list.
Got a sweet Ibis Szazbo, full suspension, hand crafted, downhill/free ride bike! Yee-freaking-ha!
Here's the only pic I've got of it right now but plenty more on the way when I get it.

Now I'll have to get my wheels on and come up for Auburn rides with Jay and Chris.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

REI Outlet Store

Check out some of the killer deals they have at the REI Outlet Store.

Other news, I already sold my GT i-Drive. Wow - that was fast. I had 2-3 offers within hours of posting my ad on MTBR. Looking forward to my new Bullit!

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

FOR SALE: GT i-Drive 1.0

I'm selling my 2002.5 Medium GT i-Drive 1.0 - Check out the ad on MTBR

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Theft Warning: Salmon Falls

I've heard of break-ins, but stealing the entire car? This just sucks. Be careful where you park. Read the story here on MTBR - Passion.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Check out these new heavy duty tire levers from Park Tools. They are similar to the Intense tire levers, but not double ended. These things are invaluable for DH tires, or if you have WTB Laser Beam Rims & Mutano Raptor Tires.....
My Blue Component Upgrades in the Works
A pal who's racing in the Sea Otter Classic this weekend came and got the Quality Bike Products wholesale catalog from me last night. He'll be putting in an order with our inside connect early next week and I'm going to jump in on the order and get some new parts for my Ibis Mojo that are way overdue (just ask Jay about the awful chain suck I was getting with him last time we were out riding).

Anyway, my short list of parts so far includes: new XT drive train, I can't justify the XTR price, even at wholesale levels, for just a little extra weight savings; WTB Comp V saddle, scary cheap; Avid front mechanical disk brake; Dimension shorty stem, an aid in effecting a more upright and comfortable riding posture; riser bars, unsure what kind yet but I'm getting them as the second part of the posture change concept; new pedals and Power Grip power straps, not for My Blue but actually for my Phat Cruiser which has crappy pedals.

Down the road buys for either bike: smaller front sprocket for the cruiser to make cruising easier and getting up to speed alot faster; maybe a single speed set up for My Blue at some point as an exercise to see just how light and fast I can actually make the bike; maybe a mountain set up for the cruiser, its already got all the fixin's for an off roader it just needs lighter wheels, better bars and maybe some gears.

So in a week or so I'll be grubbing out and getting my bikes back into racing shape though the cruiser's in great shape already and I ride it into work everyday. But damn that big hill heading out of town's a bugger with that big front ring. Anyone got a resource for a 122mm four arm front sprocket? I'm thinking I may just have to replace the whole drivetrain to monkey it around some. Unless someone's got other means to lowering the ratio, like possibly a bigger rear cog singular?

Monday, April 07, 2003

Damn it felt good to ride again! Chris and I got out early Sunday in Auburn. It was a bit chilly at first but turned out to be just a gorgeous day on the trails. The moto park was fun as usual. We grabbed a map from the rangers and they pointed out a couple of other trails we might enjoy, so we'll do some exploration next time. I feel pretty good for this being my 2nd ride since 2/10/03. My upper body is a little sore, but my legs feel great! Excitement of the day: I did a bit of a "nose-wheelie almost endo" on Tinker, which was the last trail of the day. Probably due to being pretty tired at that point... With that, I'm really looking forward to riding this summer in Tahoe & Northstar for sure!